Community Service

The SOTA Community Service Programme aims to deepen students’ awareness of their local and regional communities and foster their stewardship for the future. It also cultivates open-mindedness and reflexivity, empowering students to become socially responsible and compassionate H.I.P.P. (Humility, Integrity, People-centredness, and Passion) leaders who use their talents to positively impact the community.


Through a pedagogy of service and experiential learning, the programme seeks to enhance students’ appreciation and respect for social-cultural diversity, while demonstrating respect and care for those in need.

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Students begin engaging in local service and experiential learning projects in Year 3, progressing to more involved community engagement initiatives in Year 4. These experiences lay the groundwork for the Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) or Service Learning (SL) projects they undertake in Years 5 and 6. CAS and SL constitute essential components of the IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) and IB Career-related Programme (IBCP), respectively.

Learning Outcomes

  • Gain insight into the challenges of different communities, while engaging directly with members of the communities
  • Utilise artistic skills to address social issues and explore cross-cultural perspectives, reflecting on personal identity as a young artist
  • Develop personal and interpersonal qualities through hands-on experiences and interactions
  • Initiate sustainable community projects that contribute lasting value to the broader community

Key Programmes

  • Year 3: A five-month Service, Action in Community (SAC) programme integrating arts, culture, heritage issues, and inclusive sports
  • Year 4: A five-month local and overseas Service Learning (SL) project with community partners and/or cultural leaders in the humanities, arts, culture and heritage
  • Years 5 and 6: An 18-month IBDP CAS or IBCP SL programme with a wide variety of experiences via personal pursuits, community partnerships and engagements
Comm Svc key programmes